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Project Utthan

Partner: Haritika


Context and Need of the Project

Rajasthan is a large state of with a population of 70 million people; diverse agro-ecological systems experience large climatic variability, and projected increase in climatic extremes. Agriculture supports nearly 70 per cent of the rural population in the state. Agriculture in the state remains vulnerable to climate change and variability and in the recent years, the state has also witnessed an increase in climate related factors like droughts, excess rainfall, frost and hailstorm resulting in increased variability in production. The rain fed nature of rivers of Rajasthan has made them highly susceptible to variations in the distribution and patterns of rainfall. As the population is increasing abnormally, the stress is more on water utilization. The situation is much more complicated in the selected project area as Hadoti area already falls under low rainfall & semi arid zone. The Hadoti area is affected by drought since last 5 years (except 2008-09). Around ¾th of the population of the Hadoti area is dependent on agriculture & cattle rearing. Drought results less availability of water for running canals. The Situation has resulted in great damage to agriculture. The Production from all agricultural crops it fell down around 9%. The other alternatives for earning living hood are very limited. Hence the people are bound to migrate in search of other alternatives for sustenance. The 2007 government of India habitation survey indicates that the current coverage of drinking water has dropped to 77% which was 95% two years ago. Drought prone areas such as Hadoti have increased substantially. The major problem faced is depletion in ground water table because due to scarcity of surface water, ground water is tapped for providing drinking water, water for agriculture, livestock, industries and energy. Thus HARITIKA proposed “Utthan Project (Climate Change Resilient Village Development) in vulnerable villages of Hadoti Region of District Baran”. This project will cover six villages of Sahabad Block of District Baran of Rajasthan. Initially Subhdhara Village of Shahbad block, a part of the Hadoti Region has been undertaken for piloting of proposed project.

Objectives of the Project

  • Increasing Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change through Developing Climate Smart Village Shubhdhara a Vulnerable Village selected for piloting of proposed project in District Baran of Rajasthan
  • Participatory implementation of various climate-smart interventions through different climate-smart village models linking with other community development activities
  • Strengthen the capacity of farmers, PRIs and other stakeholders in conjunction with ongoing missions/schemes.
  • Generate evidence from climate-smart villages in farming communities (economic, environmental and institutional impact assessment).
  • Facilitate integration and the scaling-up/out the climate-smart village model in collaboration with key stakeholders in conjunction with State Govt. Climate Change Plan.

Approach adopted for Proper Implementation

As the entire project is community based project therefore the success of project is completely dependent on the community participation. The beneficiaries were involved in feasibility analysis of the project in the region as well as also in the decision of the planning and designing of the project although they were not involved in budget decisions. Prior to deciding the plans related to project activities, resources and budget allocations we had conducted meetings and focused group discussions in the villages and taken the view of villagers about their problems resources that can improve their quality of life. On the basis of their responses we have planned to develop such type of convergence based project that can address their most of the problems related to water & agriculture. As after withdrawal from the project, the sustainability of project assets will be the core responsibility of community thus a “Village Development Committee (VDC)” has been formed in each of the project villages; gram panchayat members are also included within the committee so that a link of VDC with gram-panchayat can be established. Here in this project we have ensured high level of community engagement and adopt participatory approach in each level of project i.e. in planning, implementation, monitoring and sustainability.  

Activities Undertaken



  • Field Bunding: To control soil Erosion, 100 acres of field bunding has been completed in the Subhadhra village.
  • Installation of Solar Water Irrigation Pump: With the support of Save the Indian Farmers, one Solar Water pump for irrigation has been installed. Firstly a Common Interest Group of 5 vulnerable farmers has been formed and with their equal community contribution and SIF fund, solar water pump installed.
  • Community Dug well: For increasing irrigation potential among ultra poor 3 community Dug wells have been constructed. Earth work excavation of 5 meter x 12 meter diameter of all the dug well is done by Common Interest Group formed with 5 vulnerable farmers H.H.
  • Establishment of Green house: For the promotion of vegetable cultivation and Nutrition garden, one Green House has been established. Along with Green House, two mandov systems through Machan are also installed for vegetable cultivation.
  • Wadi Fruit Orchard Development Programme: For agricultural diversification and income enhancement of small farmers through horticulture promotion, we have planted 3500 Fruit trees. Pit Digging is done by Farmers themselves.


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Financial utilization for Project Utthan

Sr. No. Particulars Total Unit SIF Support Total Expenditure  Community Contribution Remarks
1. Field Bunding 100 acres 400000 400000  200000 We have completed 100 acre Field bunding
2. Installation of water irrigation pump 1 190000 190000  20000 Completed
3. Community Dug well 3 360000 360000 Earth work excavation of 5 meter x 12 meter diameter of dug well is done by CIG Completed
4. Establishment of Green house for the promotion of vegetable cultivation and Nutrition garden 1 100000 125000 25000 Apart from one Green House  ,two mandov system is also installed for vegetable cultivation thus Rs.25000 is more spend
5. Wadi Fruit Orchard Development Programme 20 240000 240000  Pit Digging is done by Farmers We have planted 3500 Fruit trees including fencing plants
6. Honorarium for programme Coordinator 6 150000 150000    
7. office rent 6 30000 30000    
8 Travel 6 30000 30000    
Total 15,00,000 15,00,000  

  Please read the success story of Shubhadhara Village here